10 Kasım 2014 Pazartesi






2 Kasım 2014 Pazar

Online Tests

In your blog post, describe your reaction to the tests.  Do you think that online tests like this are useful? Would you encourage students to use online tests for other purposes, such as personality tests, technology skills tests, etc. Why/why not?

I think the online tests are very useful and sometimes funny. These type of teaching methods are very good ways to attract attention of the students. These kinds of activities also contribute the students information technology. If I was a teacher, I would use these kind of activities to improve my  students in all respects. Also most students can  connect in  everywhere whenever they want.

25 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi

The Assure Model of Learning

The ASSURE model is a process that was modified to be used by teachers in the regular classroom. İt has six steps which you can see on the picture.

When I was in high school, my teachers was trying these steps. For example, utulizing materials, analyzing learner characteristics and designing materials. I think they should have used all  steps   
but they didnt. If they did, maybe all students in my high school would be better now.

13 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi

5 Ekim 2014 Pazar


I think the teachers dont need to be competent all of the literacies , they should provide students the appropriate occasion to improve themselves. I will try to be progressive towards my students and I will try to show some effective ways of literacies. The teacher should give students an exact true and help to improve their all things. 

First Week Assignment

1     a)How would you describe the current use of technology in teaching in Turkey? 

    I think the current use of technology in teaching in Turkey is not sufficient. For example,  in  the most first school and high school teachers dont use technology devices, they usually use old techniques.In universities, it is not very bad. Most students, for example, use some technology devices when they are doing assignments.

      b)When you graduate and start teaching, what changes in the technology in education do you predict?

    When I graduate, I dont think that there will be big changes. I think it is the things that  needs to want some time. That is if there will be some changes in the technology in turkey, ı thinkit will be so long time later.

      c)Will the new technology make your job as a teacher easier or more difficult?

    The technology already make teachers job easy, so ı think  the new technology also will make the job easy.
But as I said  in turkey it will be later.

2      We have used some devices in CTE 210 lessons. For example, projection  and computer. We also use learning management systems to reach some informations.